Speak Up for Your Shop: Take the 2023 New England Automotive Report Industry Survey!
Running a collision repair shop in the Commonwealth is filled with constant changes, challenges and conquests, but after years of hearing “you’re the only one,” it’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that’s actually true.
And to some extent, it IS true…no two shops are exactly the same, but have you ever wondered just how different – and similar – your facility is in comparison to other shops around Massachusetts?
Now’s the time to find out! The New England Automotive Report 2023 Industry Survey provides an easy way for shops to get a glimpse into the inner workings of other local collision businesses.
How many referrals and programs do other shops participate in? How are they educating their customers about the complexity of modern vehicles? Is anybody actually ready to repair electric vehicles?!
When the survey debuted in 2021, 52 percent of shops responded that they did not participate in any referrals or programs, and given the pressures that insurers place in these situations, it’s no wonder that this number decreased by 12 percent in 2022. What about now? Are shops participating in more or fewer referrals and programs this year?
Interested in how other shops promote their business or educate customers? Maybe, you’re wondering if you’re the only shop balance-billing vehicle owners. Wonder no more! This annual survey provides an ideal opportunity for shops to share their own thoughts…and also learn what problems other local shop owners are facing when we publish the results in an upcoming edition of New England Automotive Report. You may even find a quote that sounds suspiciously like your experience (but rest assured, your responses are safely anonymous; the names of respondents will NOT be printed).
Just go to bit.ly/NEAR2023industrysurvey by December 31, 2023 to help the industry better understand where we’ve been, where we’re at and where we’re going. Your opinion matters…Now, make it count by taking 15 minutes to complete the 2023 Industry Survey.
Want more? Check out the December 2023 issue of New England Automotive Report!