Mark Your Calendars: AASP/MA Chapter Meetings Return this Spring

by Alana Quartuccio

The winter months are almost behind us, so it’s time to mark your calendars for a spring full of Alliance-related events designed to help your auto body shop “Get More in ‘24.” 

Piggybacking on the successful return of chapter meetings in the spring of 2023, which were surrounded by a series of “Breaking Free in ‘23” general membership meetings, this round of chapter meetings strives to bring members of the Alliance together to be exactly that – an alliance of brothers and sisters who all want proper reimbursement for fixing cars correctly – and also to provide them with the necessary resources to help them succeed now and in the future. 

The information that will be shared at these meetings will be crucial in improving the industry for all across the Commonwealth. Content will focus on drafting proper complaints to the Auto Damage Appraisers Licensing Board (ADALB). As most are likely aware, the ongoing mission of the Alliance is to bring reform to the ADALB by way of proposed legislation which would move the Board, whose purpose is to police appraiser licenses, away from the overwhelming influence of the Division of Insurance over to the Division of Occupational Licensure. This move intends to eliminate the control the insurance industry has over body shop complaints that at times is blatantly biased toward the insurance industry side of the table. While this legislation continues to gain momentum and is pending review at the State House, auto body shop business owners are encouraged to submit complaints about unfair appraiser practices. In fact, ADALB Board member Peter Smith (MAPFRE) suggested at the December 2023 meeting that shops learn to properly submit complaints because “we’re supposed to have everything brought to us on a silver platter. It’s supposed to be plain and clear as the day is long.” 

 In addition, AASP/MA attorney Sean Preston of Coverall Law will be on hand at these events to dive deeper into the “forever forms” he has been building for auto body shops based on the informational session he presented during the third installment of the “Breaking Free in ‘23” series last October. In addition, a detailed review of the SCRS paint study will be performed and how to best utilize the findings for proper reimbursement by the insurance appraiser or the vehicle owner. Last but certainly not least, member shops will also get the latest updates regarding the proposed legislation HB 262, moving the ADALB to the Division of Occupational Licensure and HB 1035 the minimum labor reimbursement bill. As always, it’s also a great opportunity to interact with your fellow shop owners, talk shop and enjoy some refreshments surrounded by peers. 

AASP/MA plans to once again host a raffle for a cash prize at each chapter meeting – a fun incentive introduced during the 2023 chapter meeting series. 

Locations and other specific details will be announced in the coming weeks.

The dates for the chapter meetings are as follows:

  Zone 2 (Central Mass/Worcester county): Wednesday, April 3

  Zone 4 (Boston North): Wednesday, April 24

  Zone 1 (Boston South): Wednesday, May 1

  Zone 3 (Western Mass): Wednesday, May 22

“I am very excited to start up our chapter/zone meetings again,” Papageorg expressed. “These upcoming events are a great opportunity for shops to be introduced to attorney Sean Preston and his ‘forever forms’ on a chapter by chapter basis. Our discussion about the ADALB complaint process, the SCRS blend study and the positive effects on your P & M bottom line should not be missed.”

Papageorg also hopes members will join in for a short statewide Zoom meeting planned for the third week of March. “This will be a preview of what attendees can expect to walk away with in order to continue our momentum of ‘Breaking Free in ‘23’ so shops can achieve ‘Getting More in ‘24.’”

Collision repair professionals will also want to secure Saturday, June 22 on their calendar for the next general membership meeting, scheduled to be held at Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School in Marlborough. The event will feature David Luehr of Elite Body Shop Solutions and his “Know Your Numbers” and other key educational modules to help you “Get More in ‘24” workshop.

Members are encouraged to watch their inbox and check regularly to keep up with events. 

Want more? Check out the March 2024 issue of New England Automotive Report!