DEG Estimating Tips
Solera Qapter (Audatex): Door O/H Operation – Recent DEG Inquiry 35654 provides feedback from Solera Qapter (Audatex) regarding door O/H operation(s).
“REAR DOOR O/H operation, designed for removing and installing parts for repair or painting, cannot be used concurrently with PANEL RR DOOR OUTER (GN 0289/0290) due to system limitations causing overlap deductions.”
Mitchell: Frame Replacement Classification – Recent DEG Inquiry 35578 provides feedback from Mitchell regarding labor classification for Frame R & R.
CCC: Flash & Wait Time – CCC/MOTOR Guides have updated “Basic Color Coat Application” Not Included operation, “Flash/wait time between material applications”.
Flash and Cure consideration would be an “On the Spot Evaluation”.
CCC: Additional Install/Fit of Panel NOT INCLUDED – Recent changes to CCC GTE estimate work time premise state, “Reported times include one test fit of a component and normal adjustment procedures within the range of motion permitted by the fastener(s) or component to ensure proper fit of the individual new part being replaced.”
MOTOR has provided additional clarification to “one test fit” in recent DEG Inquiry 35663:
“MOTOR [estimated work time] does not include a second fitment (or more) of a component to the vehicle for any reason (including verification of dimensional accuracy or adjacent part alignment). If more than one component installation is required for a specific repair plan, an on-the-spot evaluation should be used for the number of fitments beyond the first one required to perform the repair.”
Mitchell: Labor-Only Operations “Add to R&R Quarter Panel” – When replacing a quarter panel using Mitchell Cloud Estimating (MCE), end-users may find additional NOT INCLUDED labor operations by expanding the “Labor Only Operations” section under “Add to R&R Quarter Panel.”
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